Teach Yourself Complete Danish Beginner to Intermediate Course af Bente Elsworth

kr. 425.00 inkl. moms

Teach Yourself Complete Danish gives you all the language, practice and skills you need to communicate comfortably and accurately in Danish.

Move confidently from beginner to intermediate level with this complete course that enables you to master the four key skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Audio available for free on library.teachyourself.com or from the Teach Yourself Library app.



Teach Yourself Complete Danish gives you all the language, practice and skills you need to communicate comfortably and accurately in Danish.

Move confidently from beginner to intermediate level with this complete course that enables you to master the four key skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Audio available for free on library.teachyourself.com or from the Teach Yourself Library app.



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