Lord of the Flies af William Golding

kr. 125.00 inkl. moms

Lord of the Flies is a novel by Nobel Prize winning English author William Golding about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Lord of the Flies has been filmed twice – in 1954 and in 1990 – and Stephen King wrote an introduction for a new edition of Lord of the Flies (2011) to mark the centenary of William Golding’s birth in 2011.

En uhyggelig bog om en gruppe drenge, der lander på en øde ø – forløberen til Hunger Games?

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Lord of the Flies is a novel by Nobel Prize winning English author William Golding about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Lord of the Flies has been filmed twice – in 1954 and in 1990 – and Stephen King wrote an introduction for a new edition of Lord of the Flies (2011) to mark the centenary of William Golding’s birth in 2011.

En uhyggelig bog om en gruppe drenge, der lander på en øde ø – forløberen til Hunger Games?

Ved køb af enkelteksemplar får man hvad vi har på lager – ved større bestillinger finder vi den bedste pris og udgave.

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