Room at the Top af John Braine Glosehæfte 87-87764-15-6

kr. 40.00 inkl. moms

“Brought up amid squalor and poverty in a dead, ugly small town, young Joe Lampton has one ambition: to escape the anonymous, defeated crowd of “zombies” and make it to the top. Everything seems to be going according to plan when he moves to a new city, finds a good job and new friends, and inspires the love of a pretty girl with a rich father.”

John Braine’s første bog udkom i 1957 og gav et godt billede af tidens  “Angry Young Men”. Bogen blev filmatiseret i 1959 med Simone Signoret i hovedrollen. Hun modtog en Oscar for bedste kvindelige hovedrolle for sin præstation.



Romanen foregår i 50’ernes England og handler om Joe der elsker Alice, men vil giftes med Susan for pengenes skyld. Angry Young Men – tema

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